Research grant proposal editing

Challenges in writing your research grant proposal

Writing a successful research grant proposal with clearly stated ambitions requires careful planning and the tenacity to overcome more than a few hurdles. For example, how do you engage with stakeholders with different perspectives, priorities and ways of working? How can you quickly find a common language and a jointly owned shared vision? And how do you strike a balance between detailed content and a clear storyline? Our professional grant proposal editing helps you to see the wood for the trees..

Our research grant proposal editing meets your needs

Whatever your requirements, we always start by listening to your story. What is the focus of your funding proposal? Which scientific breakthroughs and impact do you hope to achieve? What are you confident about when writing your research grant proposal, and where could you use some extra help? Together, we itemise your needs and come up with a flexible plan of action. Because we know things can change and, if they do, then often at the last minute.

Our expertise includes…

  • Joining your consortium meetings to help you find a common language and crystallise your ideas in a conceptual framework.
  • Ensuring your research grant proposal has a clear, consistent and concise storyline.
  • Doing justice to the input and expertise of everyone involved.
  • Assessing whether the funding proposal’s content satisfies the criteria and questions posed in the grant template.
  • Helping you strike the right balance between specialised content for subject experts and a clear story for non-subject experts.
  • Enabling non-experts in the selection committee to assess your research grant proposal’s merits too.
  • Shortening sections of your research grant proposal without compromising your message or omitting vital content.
  • Refining your abstract into an effective elevator pitch.
  • Assisting you in weighing up reviewers’ comments and writing an appropriately nuanced response.
  • And, last but not least, polishing your English so that your grant proposal is well-written.


Do you have a research paper that needs editing?

Then check out our

Do you need to disseminate your research findings to non-academic stakeholders?

Then check out our

How can The Golden Thread help you to ovecome your grant proposal hurdles?

We’d love to hear your story and help you to write a better proposal.


Focused our proposal in accordance with the grant conditions

Rosemarie van der Veen-Oei 
Head Research Department, KB, National Library of the Netherlands

Dave from The Golden Thread was very helpful in editing our NWO research grant proposal, which we were developing. He was very cooperative and provided valuable input regarding the process. Also, he was very accurate in focusing our research grant proposal in accordance with the grant conditions. Although he stepped in the middle of the timeline, Dave picked up the content easily and was able to join the discussion during the consortium meetings.”

Improves the style without twisting the content

Dr Florence Metz

Assistant professor of Governance Resilience at University of Twente

“A very positive experience of collaborating with a highly professional, quick (weekends included), reliable and polite editor who improves the style of the language without twisting the content. Just what you need when submitting an ERC research grant proposal.”


The Golden Thread
Reggestraat 123
7468 EK Enter
The Netherlands